Publication Ethics

Higher Institute of Computers and Management Information Systems is committed to conduct manuscript in accordance with the criteria drawn from international controls and which is keen on the financial and scientific integrity as follows:


Financial Secretariat:

  • Support should be used to offset expenses as agreed in the manuscript protocol when manuscript and project programs are supported by governments, international funds or shareholders.
  • The expense must be documented and provide accurate periodic and final financial reports.


Scientific Secretariat:

  • Respecting the intellectual property of others by referring to the sources from which the researcher drew the information he used.
  • Data must be collected carefully, accurately and without bewilderment by the researcher.
  • Rejection of misconduct in manuscript in all its forms.



1st: Fabrication, intended work of the data or results of the manuscript has not been done from the original and publish these results Mille examples of fabrication:

  • Fill out interview questionnaires that were not originally conducted in order to increase the manuscript sample.
  • Create one or more group data for an experiment that has not actually taken place.
  • In clinical manuscript: the inclusion of one or more clinical notes for placebo patients.


2nd: Forgery Exclude, add or change the results of scientific manuscript to reach the desired result desired by the researcher or the sponsor of the manuscript without the existence of scientific justification for this.

  • Change the data to lead to false results.
  • Falsification of dates and procedures in the study records.
  • Falsification of the results of statistical analysis.
  • Add false data to the draft manuscript paper or manuscript paper desired to reach a desired result.
  • Distorting manuscript study materials or methods in the published manuscript paper.
  • Forging phone calls to collect data in surveys.
  • Falsification of data in the curriculum vitae of the researcher and submitted to the accredited bodies.



3rd: Plagiarism, (Scientific Theft) Plagiarism is the false claim of authorship, ie, the use of a person's intellectual production as the product of the person himself.



Types of plagiarism:


Unintentional Plagiarism:


Ignorance of the definition of plagiarism may be one of the reasons some might think that if the information is publicly available on the Internet, Others do not think that by changing the wording and words, the original author of the idea loses his intellectual property right.


Intentional plagiarism (Scientific Theft):


Where the researcher to convey the ideas or words of others rather than formulated by himself, whether mentioning the source or if mentioned, Examples of plagiarism include:

  • The researcher publishes the results of another researcher and attribute to himself.
  • Transfer some words or ideas author or other researcher without mentioning the source.
  • Do not put punctuation marks around the words taken from another author or researcher.
  • Change words with the transfer of the content of the sentence and not to mention the source.
  • Transport too much from multiple sources, whether the source is mentioned or not.
  • Moving several paragraphs in the same order of the original author because it is a plagiarism of the author's thinking.
  • Plagiarism is the publication of the same manuscript results in several manuscript papers without mentioning it.


4th: Authorship Rights and Ethics:



The author is among the researchers in the following cases:

  1. Participate in the idea and design of manuscript, or analysis and interpretation of data.
  2. Write or review the draft article accurately to verify the importance of its intellectual content.
  3. Final approval of the text to be published.
  4. The solicitation of funding, data collection, or general supervision of the manuscript team alone does not justify the acquisition of author status as well as contributors.


Order of author names in the search:

In the case of manuscript derived from theses, the names are arranged as follows:

  • First Name: Student
  • Last name: Principal supervisor.
  • The remaining names are arranged according to their participation in the manuscript work by the main supervisor of the manuscript.

In case of non-derivative manuscript:

  • The order of names according to the agreement between the members of the manuscript team before starting purely preferably registered in the boards of departments.


Primary or Corresponding Author has the following responsibilities:

  1. Accuracy of information presented in the manuscript.
  2. Order the names of participants in the manuscript.
  3. The final draft of the manuscript is approved by all participants in the manuscript
  4. Respond to all inquiries related to the manuscript.


Honorary Authorship:

It is prohibited to include the so-called honorary author in manuscript. It is the process of including the names of authors who do not deserve the author's adjective on the published manuscript.

  1. Head of the department or program in which the manuscript was conducted.
  2. Who acts as a guide to the lead author.
  3. Senior manuscripters in the region.
  4. Who provided funding for manuscript.
  5. Who provided the active substances or reagents used in the manuscript.


5th: Publication & Peer reviewing:

Ethical standards for publication:

  1. Each author should have participated in the work sufficiently to take responsibility for the perpetrators about certain parts of the content.
  2. The work of the former researchers should be mentioned in the subject matter in question and the researchers should not attribute to themselves a prior idea or studied by others.
  3. He should indicate previous studies that may have given different results.
  4. The contribution of those who participated in the manuscript should be recognized and publicized.